Rockhopper Tracker


Status: Offline

Server: N/A

Room: N/A


Welcome to our Rockhopper Tracker Chat! I know that it is very hard to track down our favorite red pirate so that is why i have this tracker chat. I make sure to update my Tracker 24/7 and this tracker chat makes it a lot easier! Remember not to cuss, spam, advertise, hack, or anything under those terms. Have fun chatting!

Who is Rockhopper?

Rockhopper is a pirate who arrives to Club Penguin on his pirate ship named the Migrator every two months. During a Rockhopper visit, all penguins can explore his ship, which offers exclusive rare items for purchase. Rockhopper’s items can be found no where else besides his ship.

How can I find Rockhopper?

Finding Captain Rockhopper is not that easy. When his ship the Migrator is at the Beach, that is your first sign that he is on Club Penguin.

But you have to be on the same server as him to met Rockhopper! He switches servers all the time. He spends about 10 minutes on each server, then hops to a different one.

Here are some server tips:

— Rockhopper will be on a 4-5 bar server
— He does go on safe-chat servers
— He does go on different language servers

Here are room tips. Rockhopper usually visits these rooms:

— His ship, the Migrator
— Beach
— Dock
— Pizza Parlor
— Forest
— Hidden Lake
— Cove

Rockhopper will never be at the Elite Penguin Force Command Room, Dojo Courtyard, Dojo, Ninja Hideout, or Fire Dojo. If you see a huge crowd around someone, it might just be Rockhopper. He will ALWAYS have a crowd of fans surrounding him.

What can I do when I find him?

Once you have found Rockhopper, open his player card and click on the “Get Gift” icon. Rockhopper will then give you a free autographed background!

Good luck and have fun Rockhopper tracking!

P.S. Make sure to leave a comment!


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